Тестирование электронных компонентов в высокотемпературной испытательной камере

Тестирование электронных компонентов в высокотемпературной испытательной камере

19 июл 2018

Тестирование электронных компонентов в высокотемпературной испытательной камере

Temperature controlled chamber, humidity testing equipment, humidity control chamber, temperature cycling test chamber, high temperature test chamber is widely used in electronic components, auto parts, automation technology components, plastics and other industries of physical transformation. Such as aerospace, BGA, PCB substrate, electronic chip ic, semiconductor materials, fiber materials and so on. It tests the continuous resistance of materials to high and low temperatures and the chemical changes of product thermal expansion and contraction, from precision IC to heavy machinery are used components, is an indispensable test box for product testing in various fields. The following describes what the high low temperature chamber can do for electronic components.
Высокотемпературная испытательная камера Высокотемпературное хранение
High temperature screening is widely used in semiconductor devices and is generally stored at high temperatures for 24 to 168 hours. The failure of electronic components is mostly caused by dirty surface layer, poor bonding, and defective oxide layer, which are closely related to temperature.
The thermal stress and screening time of various components should be appropriately selected to avoid new failure mechanisms. High temperature screening is simple and inexpensive, and can be implemented on many components. The invention can stabilize the parameter performance of the device and reduce the parameter drift in use.

Высокотемпературная и низкотемпературная испытательная камера, система циркуляции температуры

Under the stress of thermal expansion and contraction, electronic equipment will encounter different ambient temperature conditions during use, and components with poor thermal matching performance are easy to fail. Temperature cycle screening is to use the stress of thermal expansion and contraction between extreme high temperature and low temperature, which can effectively eliminate products with thermal performance defects. The commonly used component screening conditions are -55~+125℃, cycling 5~10 times.

Необходимость скрининга компонентов

The inherent reliability of electronic components depends on the design scheme of product reliability. In the manufacturing process of the product, due to human factors or fluctuations in raw materials, process parameters, equipment conditions, the final product can not all achieve the expected inherent reliability.
In every batch of finished products, there are always some products that hide some defects and weaknesses. These hidden flaws and weaknesses will show early failure under certain stress conditions. Components that fail early have a much shorter average life than normal products.
Therefore, before the electronic components are installed into the whole machine and equipment, it is necessary to eliminate the initial fault components as much as possible, so the components need to be screened. According to the experience of screening at home and abroad, the total failure rate of components can be reduced by 1-2 orders of magnitude through effective screening, and screening is an important means to ensure reliability.


In the screening of electric power, under the combined action of thermoelectric stress, many potential defects on the body and surface of components can be well exposed, which is an important project of reliability screening. Various electronic components are usually refined for a few hours to 168 hours under rated power conditions. Some products, such as integrated circuits, can not arbitrarily change the conditions, but can use high temperature working mode to increase the working junction temperature to achieve a high stress state. Power refining requires special test equipment - high and low temperature test chamber, high cost, screening time should not be too long. Civilian products are usually a few hours, military high-reliability products can choose 100,168 hours, and aviation-grade components can choose 240 hours or longer.

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